Hair Fall Men in Real Life

Hair fall in men is a terrifying experience regardless of how it occurs. Your hair can gradually thin over the years, or it can fall out in clumps in a period of days. But hair loss is hair loss. And it ain't fun.

Despite all the sports celebrities today sporting a shaved head, you know that you wouldn't look good that way--ever. Trying to imagine how that would look only conjures up images of chemotherapy and the facial features you absolutely cannot stand.

Is it that long, narrow egg-head shape or that turkey neck that is subtly forming? Or perhaps it's the bones jutting out in the back of your cranium. Whatever the case going sans hair is an absolute no-go.

Hair Fall Men Q and A

Here are a few Q's and A's to help you sort out your options.

So what do you do?

Look for a hair loss treatment option that works for you.

What should I look for in particular?

Hair fall in men is caused 95% of the time by a sensitivity to the male hair hormone DHT. Thinking it is protecting the body, the brain shrinks the hair follicle. As a result the hair strand becomes thinner and eventually falls out. This can process can be reversed if DHT is blocked. Look for a DHT-blocking treatment.

There are lots of DHT blocking treatments. How do I choose the right one for me?

Minoxidil is an FDA-Approved ingredient proven to block DHT. Look for a hair loss product that contains minoxidil. Many homeopathic physicians encourage adding supplements to give your topical hair loss treatment an added boost.